Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Freedom’s Shield And Hope

A passerby snapped this picture of two Navarino, WI boys who were riding their bikes on Memorial Day on a street lined with American flags.  Parker Diemel, 12, and Ayden Lengo, 11, spotted one that had fallen into a ditch.  They picked it up and got it back to where it needed to go.

Old Glory has no other character than that which we pass on from generation to generation.

Kevin Conradt, Navarino Town Chairman, says he’s proud to have such wonderful kids growing up in Navarino: “People desecrating the flag and the protests and the riots and the stuff that’s going on. It’s really nice to see some young kids stepping up to the plate.”
The young heroes showed true patriotism—a testament to how our flag speaks majestically to us of our past and the sacrifices made by the men and women who went before us.

Ayden’s mom said, “…I’m glad he knew the American flag is something he should be proud of and take care of.”

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