Sunday, November 23, 2014

The World’s Most Dangerous Community Organizer Gets “School House” Rocked

Once upon a time Saturday Night Live was something I made a point of watching every Saturday night.  That was when the comedy skits were actually funny. 

The political slant of the show became as noticeable as a piece of spinach stuck between someone’s teeth.  Do you embarrass the person by telling them they have a snack for later or do you ignore it?

I opted for the easier path of ignoring it.  Lately however, SNL has gotten noticed for its occasional scathing criticism of The World’s Most Dangerous Community Organizer.  Last night their Cold Open was pretty amusing with its take on the executive action taken on immigration.  They cleverly used an updated version of the 1975 Schoolhouse Rock! Segment, “I’m Just A Bill”

The Left emerged butthurt and the SNL parody was fact-checked by The Washington Post, a paper which is, itself a parody.  The newspaper even took the time to extrapolate their absurdity by providing a flowchart showing who is eligible for the immigration reprieve.

I only have one bone to pick with SNL.  They failed to point out the imperialness of The World’s Most Dangerous Community Organizer and those who will benefit the most from not being deported.  I took care of that.  You’re welcome.

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